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Coombe Dean School

We seek to promote among all our students experiences and opportunities that will equip them with the skills, insights and attitudes necessary to develop into active and responsible citizens of the 21st century.

A wealth of learning opportunities enrich the curriculum in and outside of the classroom. As educators we know that students learn best when they are interested and engaged; it is a challenge we readily accept to make learning fun and relevant at the same time.

Contacts details

Address:Coombe Dean School
Charnhill Way
Telephone number: 01752 406961
Get Directions View on Google Maps

Excellent relationships characterise Coombe Dean.

Students enjoy coming to school and take considerable pride in being members of the Coombe Dean community.

Staff enjoy working at Coombe Dean, united in a shared sense of mission and empowered by devolved responsibility and professional development.

Parents are appreciative of the quality of communication at home and partnership work.

Governors serve as loyal but critical friends, holding the school to account in positive and constructive ways.

We all work together to make Coombe Dean the exceptional learning community that we are. Coombe Dean is a highly inclusive community where we strive to ensure learners from all vulnerable groups are assimilated into the working practices and systems of the school.

We believe the most important factor in raising educational outcomes, whatever a young person's needs, is through high-quality classroom teaching.



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Due to the highly inclusive systems available to all students at Coombe Dean most students with additional needs will not require specialist SEN provision as they are able to make progress relying on whole school systems.

Coombe Dean is a highly inclusive community where we strive to ensure learners from all vulnerable groups are assimilated in to the working practices and systems of the school. We believe the most important factor in raising educational outcomes, whatever a young person's needs, is through high quality classroom teaching.

For the small number of students who require a bespoke package of support from the school our key mission is to promote independence and secure progress.

Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Secondary - 11 to 18 years
  • Needs level
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Provision type
  • Universal

  • Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School
    Age ranges:
    • Secondary school - 11 to 16 years
    Registered places: 1,180
    Wheelchair access information: Yes
    Special needs information: Yes

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