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Plympton St Maurice Primary School

Plympton St Maurice Primary School is a small, friendly school for 4 to 11 year olds.

Contacts details

Address:Plympton St Maurice Primary School
Longbrook Street
Telephone number: 01752 337427
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We are fortunate to share our school site with the Plympton St. Maurice Child Care Centre, which provides excellent baby care, child care, and preschool facilities, as well as before and after-school provision.

At Plympton St. Maurice Primary School, we believe that each child is an individual and is treated with care and respect.

We are a hardworking staff who are committed to providing a good education in a safe and caring environment.  Working and learning together for the future is the ethos of the school. Parents, teachers, and the whole school community work in partnership to ensure children achieve their very best.



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We strive to ensure that all children are able to access learning and achieve their potential in a safe and stimulating environment.

Some children may find this more difficult due to a special educational need which may or may not have been diagnosed by a professional. Following careful monitoring and discussions between staff, SENCO and parents these children may be placed on the SEN register and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be drawn up. This IEP will identify small step targets to help the child to make progress and identify provision and any outside agencies that are involved. IEP's are reviewed termly.

All pupils receive a high quality of teaching, where a range of teaching and learning styles are used. Appropriate learning objectives are set to all children and matched to their individual needs.

Our curriculum is based on a LUNAR approach which is taught alongside the National Curriculum. LUNAR incorporates; Life skills, promoting a love of learning. Understanding the world and our place in it. Nurturing curiosity and creativity to feed the imagination, cultivating Aspirations, through self -belief and motivation. instilling Resilience and Independence.

Within each year group classes are supported by Teaching Assistants, who work with small groups of children to deliver interventions programmes as needed.

We work with children in a targeted way to support optimal social and emotional development.

Plymouth uses an orange 'Local Offer icon' to show services that define themselves as suitable for children and young people with SEND. These are part of Plymouth's SEND Local Offer. We recommend that you contact the service provider to make sure the service is suitable for your child or young person.

Age range
  • Primary - 5 to 11 years

  • Based: Plymouth
    Childcare Type:
    • School
    Age ranges:
    • Primary school - 5 to 11 years

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