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Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse abuse is when a family member or someone you're in a relationship, with treats you in a way that harms you physically, emotionally or sexually.
Domiciliary Care Resource Centre
Domiciliary Care Resource Centre, advice, and resources for domiciliary care providers in Plymouth.
Doors - Buy With Confidence Plymouth
Doors - Buy With Confidence Plymouth Buy With Confidence Scheme provides you with a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly.
Douglas House Care Home
Douglas House Care Home
Douglas House is a residential home that provides bespoke care to young adults aged 18-40 with learning disabilities, mental health needs, autism spectrum conditions and behaviours that may challenge.
- Address:8
Restormel Terrace
Restormel Road
PL4 6BJ - Contact number:01752 267221
- CQC Rating:Outstanding
- Address:8
Dove Counselling
Dove Counselling
Dove Counselling offers therapy services provided by a fully qualified, insured, and experienced therapist. The practice focuses on assisting individuals with their personal development and wellbeing. Specifically, Dove Counselling specialises in supporting clients experiencing grief following bereavement and loss, managing stress and anxiety, and providing counselling aimed at fostering personal growth.
- Address:41 Houndiscombe Road
PL4 6EX - Contact number:01752 422029
- Address:41 Houndiscombe Road
Down House
Down House
Down House is registered to take up to 49 service users of either gender, from the age of 40 years old, who require nursing care, and a maximum of three service users who require personal care only.
- Address:277 Tavistock Road
PL6 8AA - Contact number:01752 789393
- CQC Rating:Good
- Address:277 Tavistock Road
Down's syndrome
Down's syndrome's syndrome, also known as Down syndrome or trisomy 21, is a condition you're born with. Most people who have Down's syndrome lead healthy and fulfilled lives.
Down's Syndrome - Plymouth and Area Support Group
Down's Syndrome - Plymouth and Area Support Group
Down's syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in a baby's cells. In the majority of cases, Down's syndrome is not an inherited condition. Down's syndrome usually occurs because of a chance happening at the time of conception. Children and adults with Down's syndrome are all unique individuals with their own personalities, family backgrounds and preferences that make them who they are.
- Address:Langdon Down Centre
2A Langdon Park
TW11 9PS - Contact number:0333 1212 300
- Address:Langdon Down Centre
Downham House
Downham House
Downham House is a fully registered Children's Home for children from the age of 8 years, which aims to provide a short break service for children with severe learning disability and associated complex behaviours, to enable them to continue to live within their family home.
- Address:Downham House
94 Church Road
PL9 9BG - Contact number:01752 401109
- Address:Downham House
Dragonfly Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dragonfly Counselling and Psychotherapy
I offer face-to-face counselling and psychotherapy from my comfortable therapy room in Plymouth. Can't get to me, then I will get to you.
- Address:4 North East Quay
PL4 0HP - Contact number:07852973959
- Address:4 North East Quay