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Carer breaks and holidays in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Carer breaks and holidays in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland otherwise specified, the organisations listed on this page cover England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Carer breaks, holidays and respite
Carer breaks, holidays and respite a book, go for a walk, or simply catch up on some sleep. Whatever you choose to do, you'll return home refreshed and rejuvenated.
Carer news updates, feedback and how to contact us
Carer news updates, feedback and how to contact us news and updates for Plymouth's carers, feedback and details of how to contact us.
Carer support for hospital visits
Carer support for hospital visits the person you care for is in hospital you may be faced with important decisions. You may be considering taking on this caring role for the first time and don't know what to expect.
Carer's Allowance
Carer's Allowance's Allowance is a benefit for anyone aged 16 or over who spends at least 35 hours each week caring for someone.
Carer's Passport
Carer's Passport Carer's Passport highlights your role and responsibilities as a carer and can help to provide you with support, services or other benefits.
Carer's Passport and discounts
Carer's Passport and discounts a carer in Plymouth, you may be eligible for exclusive discounts and benefits. It's our way of saying thank you for the amazing work you do.
Carers breaks including respite policy and guidance for practitioners August 2022
Carers breaks including respite policy and guidance for practitioners August 2022 -
Carers Emergency Response Service
Carers Emergency Response Service simplest way to request short-term emergency support is to complete the Carers Emergency Response Service form and it only takes a few minutes.
Carers Emergency Response Service
Carers Emergency Response Service
This service provides specialist short-term emergency home-based cover (up to 72 hours) to those people who are looked after at home by an unpaid Carer in cases when a Carer has an emergency and can no longer provide care.
- Address:47 Mutley Plain
PL4 6JQ - Contact number:07474 297040 / 01752 424138
- Address:47 Mutley Plain