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Schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental health condition. It causes a range of different psychological symptoms.
School and childcare service articles
School and childcare service articles -
School attendance and absence
School attendance and absence law, parents must register children of compulsory school age in full-time education, either at a school or via other suitable arrangements that provide an appropriate education.
School SEN information reports
School SEN information reports schools must publish a SEN Information Report on their website. The report should be easy to find, put together in a way that families can understand, and reviewed with families each year.
School transport (COVID-19)
School transport (COVID-19) information about school transport to help you and your school.
School transport for children with special needs or a medical condition
School transport for children with special needs or a medical condition you're a student, 16 or over, with special or medical needs and can't use public transport, we may be able to provide assistance with transport.
Schools in Plymouth
Schools in Plymouth Nursery, Infant, Junior, Primary, Secondary, Key Stage 4, or Special Schools in Plymouth, plus Specialist Support Centres, ACE, colleges, and training providers.
Schools Meeting Videos (COVID-19)
Schools Meeting Videos (COVID-19) associated with the school webinars and online meetings.
Scope Helpline
Scope Helpline
Scope's helpline provides free, independent and impartial advice and support on issues that matter to disabled people and their families.
- Contact number:0808 800 3333
Scott Medical and Health College
Scott Medical and Health College
Scott Medical and Healthcare College is a small college for young people aged 14 to 19 in Plymouth.
- Address:Somerset Place
PL3 4BZ - Contact number:01752 987010
- Address:Somerset Place