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How to access NHS services online
How to access NHS services online you need an NHS service, try to do it online first. If you cannot get what you need this way or do not have internet access, try asking a friend or family member to help you, or speak to your GP surgery on the phone.
How to appeal an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
How to appeal an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) you wish to appeal any of the decisions made regarding a Statutory Assessment for your child or yourself, or anything within the content of your child's/your EHC Plan, Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND will be able to support you with this.
How to care for a disabled child
How to care for a disabled child for a disabled child can make your daily parenting duties, such as feeding, toilet training and getting them to sleep, more challenging.
How to care for a disabled child
How to care for a disabled child for a disabled child can make your daily parenting duties, such as feeding, toilet training and getting them to sleep, more challenging.
How to care for children with complex needs
How to care for children with complex needs your child has been diagnosed with an illness, disability or sensory impairment and needs a lot of additional support on a daily basis, they're described as having "complex needs".
How to choose a builder
How to choose a builder you have the funds to make improvements to your property then the council can help you find a local approved trader through the Buy with Confidence scheme.
How to choose the right equipment for you
How to choose the right equipment for you independently at home, as you age or manage a disability, often involves utilising assistive equipment. However, with a vast array of options available, selecting the most suitable equipment can feel overwhelming.
How to complain about a NHS service
How to complain about a NHS service can either complain to the NHS service provider directly (such as a GP, dentist surgery or hospital) or to the commissioner of the services, which is the body that pays for the NHS services you use.
How to create a page
How to create a page a page on the Plymouth Online Directory is free, really simple and only takes a few minutes. Your business, organisation or charity does amazing things and we want to support you. Content that is updated regularly will appear higher up the search listings and more people will get to know about your business.
How to deal with challenging behaviour in children
How to deal with challenging behaviour in children person's behaviour can be defined as "challenging" if it puts them or those around them (such as their carer) at risk, or leads to a poorer quality of life.